Answered By: Richard Directo
Last Updated: Aug 23, 2021     Views: 76


If you spotted an item in the WorldCat Discovery that is currently checked-out, you can place a hold on the item and we’ll let you know, through your email when it comes in for you. Below are the the steps on placing of holds:

1. Visit the WorldCat Discovery

2. Click the title of the Item that you would like to place on hold.


3. Click the “Place Hold” button


4. Upon clicking, a login prompt will appear asking for your infonet account credentials

5. Once logged in, a pop-up notification will appear confirming your hold on the item


6. Select the CLR branch where you prefer to pick up the item.


7. Click the submit button to place the hold request in the system


8. A pop-up notification will appear confirming the hold request.


9. If you want to check the status of your hold, edit or even delete your hold on a book, click your name on the upper right hand of the screen then select “My Account”  from the drop down list.


10. Inside your account, click the “holds” link


11. You will see a message here that indicates queuing, if there is any, or indicates that your hold is ready for pick up at your desired location.

Also, you can either remove or edit the setup of your hold.

12. As regards email notification, if the item that you place on hold is already available for pick up, you will receive an email stating the details of your hold request.

13. Remember, if you are using a public PC, please always sign-out your account after making your holds or checking your library account



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