Sage Research Methods - all in one innovative online resource that helps you teach research methods, design research projects, understand or identify new methods, conduct research, and write up the findings. SRM includes collections of case studies, teaching datasets, and videos to offer real world applications and hands-on practice for hundreds of qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Accessing Sage Research Methods:
1. Go to CLR's website at
2. Click on "A-Z databases list" button
3. In the A-Z databases list, click on letter "S" and look for "Sage Research Methods"
4. Log in using your InfoNet credentials (For students, the username is your Benilde ID number)
Found below is the home page of Sage Research Methods website:
5. There are three (3) ways to find content:
To discover more e-resources in our collection which you can also access anytime, anywhere, please visit our A-Z list of databases.
How do I access online resources/databases on and off campus?
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