Answered By: Roselle Maestro
Last Updated: Sep 19, 2024     Views: 482

Guidelines and Procedures in Lending Laptops

1. All qualified stakeholders of the college are allowed to borrow a laptop from the CLR Readers’ Services Unit (RSU) and Audio-Visual Services Unit (AVSU) on a first-come, first-served basis. Purpose of borrowing shall cover only the following: Online classes, and other presentation-related activities;

2. Laptops must only be used inside the CSB premises;

3. Borrowers must personally pick up and return their borrowed laptop at the designated CLR branch’ unit (RSU or AVSU); delivering and leaving of laptop/s to other CLR branches is not allowed;

4. Laptops can be checked out for a maximum of five (5) hours.

5. If the device is not returned on time, there will be a Php 10.00/hour charge for every 30 minutes extension;

6. Failure to return the laptop before the RSU and/or AVSU close, will suspend the borrower’s privileges for a month;

7. Users may not add, delete, or change any programs/applications without the permission of the Digital Technology Office (DTO);

8. To prevent the unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of any personal information contained in the files, users must store their files in web-based storage or on a flash drive;

9. The RSU and AVSU have the right to remove all files saved on laptops in order to prevent the unauthorized disclosure, use, and distribution of the user/s' personal information.

10. Users are accountable for keeping their accounts secure and private. Accounts left signed in on laptops are not the responsibility of the RSU and AVSU;

11. Users are liable for the full cost of replacement and repair if the loaned laptop or its peripherals are misplaced, stolen, or otherwise damaged;

12. The RSU and AVSU reserve the right to amend these guidelines at any time without prior notice.



1. Reservations for laptop/s must be made via email to

2. The following information must be indicated in the email reservation:

  • Laptop’s intended purpose
  • Date and time of reservation
  • Preferred CLR unit (e.g. AVSU - Taft ; RSU - Taft)
  • Venue of activity where the device(s) will be used

3. Reservation approval or denial will be communicated to the requester via email.

4. Once approved, please proceed to the following CLR branch on the scheduled date and time of pick-up:

  • Taft Campus: 2/F, Mutien-Marie Hall
  • AKIC Campus: 10/F
  • DAC Campus: 7/F
  • Atrium Campus 6/F

5. The RSU or AVSU associates will test the laptop and only release it if it functions properly.

6. The borrower must present his/her validated CSB ID; for accountability purposes, associates on duty must check in and out of the device via WMS.

7. Following use, the borrower shall return the borrowed laptop to the designated CLR unit.

8. The on-duty CLR-RSU and CLR-AVSU associate will inspect the returned item/s and close the transaction.

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