Answered By: Richard Directo
Last Updated: Mar 18, 2024     Views: 515

Bookboon Learning is a library of bite-sized eBooks, audiobooks, online courses, and learning journeys on soft skills and personal development written by industry-leading experts. Bookboon's mission is to provide access to helpful and practical high quality content on an easy-to-use platform.                                                                 

Accessing Bookboon Learning Database:

1. Go to CLR's website at

2. Click on "A-Z databases list" button

3. In the A-Z databases list, click on letter "Band look for "Bookboon Learning"

4. Log in using your InfoNet credentials (For students, the username is your Benilde ID number)


 Found below is the home page of Bookboon Learning:


5. There are three (3) ways to find content:

  • Main search box (You may search for any keywords or topics)

  • Browse by type of materials (Search involves simply clicking on the material type of interest)
    • Audio Learning - Trending
    • eBooks - Trending
    • Online Courses - Trending
    • Learning Journeys - Trending


  • Browse by  categories  (Search involves simply clicking on the category area of interest and then browsing the sub-categories)
Personal Development Teams & Project Management
Personal Productivity Microsoft Office Programs
Remote Working Marketing & Sales
Digitalization & IT Human Resource Management
Management Career Management
Communication & Presentation Economics & Finance
Leadership & Strategy  



To discover more e-resources in our collection which you can also access anytime, anywhere, please visit our A-Z list of databases.



How do I access online resources/databases on and off campus?