Answered By: Vanessa Napoles
Last Updated: Jun 19, 2024     Views: 75

The Center for Learning Resources (CLR) Audio-Visual Services Unit shall offer to the Benildean Community the use of its audio-visual resources, equipment, and lending services guided by the following guidelines:

  1. All AV requests should be made 3-5 days in advance for proper coordination, scheduling and preparation of the CLR.
  2. All AV materials/equipment to be borrowed for off-campus purposes should be reserved a week in advance. A signed letter from the concerned office endorsing the off-campus reservation of equipment should be forwarded to the CLR Director. This allows the CLR to prepare the requested equipment and the required gate pass for AV equipment to be brought outside the campus. 
  3. Should the services of an AV Technician be required for any college activity done whether on or off-campus: transportation and overtime pay shall be shouldered by the requesting party, if applicable.
  4. CLR will accommodate requests on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event of a conflict in schedule, the AV Head or Coordinator will inform the requester via email to provide an alternative schedule (date and time). A first come, first served basis will be applied for queuing and fair implementation of the AV requests.
  5. The CLR has the right to decline or request to reschedule a reservation that is not feasible, has conflict with a plotted schedule and does not conform with the written policy found in our CLR website under AV services.



  1. Fill out the online reservation form
  2. Wait for an e-mail confirmation from CLR whether your reservation is confirmed or has conflict in schedule.